Eliminating the Cost of Oil Spill Cleanup

How Well Site Guard Controls Oil Spill Costs

How Much Does It Really Cost to Clean an Oil Spill?

More than you think. You probably won’t notice one drop of oil released from a well head every 10 seconds. But that drop accumulates into 18.25 ounces over 24 hours. That’s 415 pints in a year. As you can imagine, the cost of oil spill cleanup accumulates fast. 

Working with North American producers, we have calculated the total expenses for cleanup and remediation of stuffing-box leaks averages $2,500 to $4,500 per well per year. But over three years, a production field with 300 Well Site Guard units installed can slash these costs up to 80 percent, saving an estimated $1,329,000.

The Average Cost to Clean Up an Oil Spill

Your costs depend on the:

  • amount spilled,
  • saltwater content in produced fluids,
  • crude oil type, and
  • location – certain sites are harder to access, costing more in labor and travel.

The Costs Don't Stop at Cleanup

The average cost to clean up an oil spill goes beyond the direct cleanup expenses. You also have to calculate:

  • reputation damage in the case of larger spills,
  • the price of regulatory fines, and
  • the expenses of lost production and additional labor.

Well Site Guard helps eliminate the cost of oil spill cleanup and frees up your time to focus on operations, increasing production. Your team can improve efficiencies and avoid traveling to remote locations to deal with oil spills and leaks. 

The Solution: Oil Spill Containment Equipment

Our big idea, a containment unit for stuffing box leaks, came straight from field operator suggestions. Once we engineered a cost-effective, easy-to-implement solution, we kept talking for another decade with operators using it. Our goal: to constantly improve our solution’s efficiency and ease of use.

Four Oil Spill Cost Savings with Well Site Guard

  1. Eliminate cleanup costs: Contain produced oil and water spills completely, ending your need for a cleanup team.
  2. Avoid regulatory fines: Total spill containment means no hazards to the environment or community and no fines from the EPA or FERC.
  3. Reduce labor costs: Eliminate cleanup crew expenses and spend less time traveling to remote spill sites. 
  4. Improve operational efficiencies: Benefit from a leaner team producing more on site with fewer shutdowns.

See How Much You Can Save on
Oil Spill Costs